Having a freshwater pet is sometimes hard to manage during summer and especially when there's a heat wave.
Axolotls thrive in a water between 16-18°c, so during summer you have to make sure your axolotl don't suffer from the heat because being in a water at a constant temperature of 24°c or more will lead to their death.
So in this post i'm gonna give you tips on how to cool down your tank.

Tip n°1 Cooling fan
Depending on the size of your tank a clip on fan could lower your aquarium by 2-4°c. A bigger tank will need more fans to be efficient.
Tip n°2 Partial water change
Simply set your tap water to the coolest, don't forget to use a water conditionner and do your partial water change. Depending on your area, your tap water should be around 15°c. If you want to do a partial water change with an even more cooler water, simply fill a tub with dechlorinated water and place the tub in your fridge. You can then use this water to do your partial water change.
Tip n°3 Frozen bottles
When the heat wave hit too hard you have no choice but to use frozen bottles on rotation. Put enough bottles in your freezer to replace your frozen bottles once they've melt.
I leave a frozen bag in my tank and place the frozen bottles inside so I don't have to worry if the bottles leak or if they are not clean. You can add fans to lower the temperature even more but make sure not to make it too low. Axolotls don't like temperature swings.
Tip n°3 Tub
If your tank is too big you might want to tub your axolotl to monitor and manage the temperature better by using all the methods above.
Tip n°4 Aquarium Chiller
Summer time can be stressing for both axolotls and parents, the best option is to buy an aquarium chiller so no more worries during summer and happy axolotl and parents. The only thing is that an aquarium chiller is quite expensive between £200-£400 but it saves you from a lot of anxiety and labour.
Tip n°5 Do not fridge your axolotl!
You could be tempted to fridge your axolotl during summer time but I really don't recommend this.
"Why?" you ask
Simply because fridging is a matter of life or death situation, it's like putting your axolotl in a coma.
I hope this helped you and if you have other tips feel free to tell me so I can add them to this post!