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  • Writer's pictureMoony

What other species can I put with my axolotl that would be safe?

So you have your adorable axolotl and he/she is good on his/her own but you still want him/her to have some company.

Well, you can still put another axolotl with him/her as long as they are well feed, it must be the same sex or they will breed non stop and your female would die overbreeding or you can put a separator if your tank is big enough so they still have the space they need.

-"Ok that's cool but I was more thinking about a fish"

So know that with fish there's always the risk that your axolotl will eat it plus fish tend to nip on axolotls gills so if you really want a fish, you better take fishes that are safe for your axolotl to eat, like guppies. Fish like minnows are toxic to axolotls they contain thiamanese that prevent axolotl to absorb vitamin B so your axolotl would most likely die of that in the long term. So guppies would be fine with your axolotl but they are gonna be snacks too so don't get attached!

-"Is there anything else I could put with my axolotl?"

Yes this would be Ghost Shrimp, they will also clean your tank but also be snacks so don't get attached, same for Cherry shrimp they are really cute but won't help as much with tank cleaning.

Don't forget to quarantine anything live you want to put in your main tank (fish, shrimp or plants) for at least 30 days (I usually do 40 days) because of bacteria and parasite they can carry or prevent a snail infestation with plants.


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