I live in fresh water ideally between 16°-18°c.
I don't like light in my tank as I don't have any eyelid to protect them,
I can't blink😣 and I also have a poor eyesight. But if there's a lot of hides and shadows for me then it might be fine.
You'll only truly know my gender after 18 months, if I don't drop my balls before then we'll be fixed! 🤣
I am a carnivore and my best diet is live earth worms! They have all the nutriments for me.🐛
I have an impressive regenerative system. I can regrow limbs and I heal pretty quickly!
I don't like water flow.
I like to chill in a water that is not moving.
My skin is really fragile so please do not handle me even though I know it's hard because i'm soo cute.
My gills are red most of the time because of the blood flow but they can become really pale when I'm resting so don't panic.